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Panels are Vue components that render inside a dashboard container. During render, they automically fetch data from the Trivial app of their same name.


Dashboard Panels have been depreceated in favor of Registers . Registers include their own UI components, and require less configuration to add to the dashboard.

Creating Panels

  1. Copy /source/components/PanelTemplate.vue into a new file in /source/components/panels/. We'll call our new panel SpacedGrid.vue

  2. In the handleResponse method, update the list of attributes the panel should ingest from the response body. Here we're expecting names and rows attributes: :

let r = response.body
this.names = r.names
this.rows = r.rows

The full method might look like:

handleResponse(response) {
  if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
    this.errors = response.body
  } else {
    try {
      let r = response.body
      this.names = r.names
      this.rows = r.rows
    } catch (error) {
      this.errors = error
  1. Import the new file into /source/components/Dashboard.vue and add it to the list of components:
import SpacedGrid from './SpacedGrid.vue'

components: {
  //  Panels
  SpacedGrid, // <------ Our new panel
  1. In /source/components/panels/AppPanel.js, add your panel to the registry with a display name. This will allow your panel to be selected from the UI when building a dashboard.
{display_name: "Spaced Grid", name: "SpacedGrid"},


You can specify custom behavior for your panel here by defining methods prefixed with your panel name, e.g., SpacedGridAfterAdd, SpacedGridDefaultOptions, or SpacedGridAfterCreatePath

At this point, you should be able to add your new Panel to the dashboard and edit the template code in the SpacedGrid.vue to suit your needs.

Next, we'll create an action for our panel to make it easier to send the correct format.

  1. Copy /source/lib/actions/Panel/Template, with the contents, as SpacedGrid.

  2. Update the class names in Action.js and Descriptor.js to match your new panel type.

  3. In /source/lib/actions/Panel/Schemas.js, add an entry describing the fields your panel expects, e.g.,

module.exports.SpacedGrid = schema({fields: {
  rows: {type: arrayOf(Array), required: true, example: `[[1,2,3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]`},
  columnNames: {type: arrayOf(String), required: true, example: `['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3']`}

[0] Assuming manual invoices are sent on the 4th of each month, delivering on the 1st is 3 out of 4 days faster-- a 75% speed improvement.